There's no worthy conversation around designing the American people a digital citizenship Give American citizens the world-class digital identity we're capable of creating, now.
Celebrating 100 Years Since Appeal To Reason's final publication A historic rag returns to the modern era After Julius Wayland's suicide in 1912 Appeal to Reason slowly withdrew from it's left-wing position in favor of more lucrative publishing pursuits, and an honored voice finally perished on the scant American hillsides of Democracy. 100 years later,
A Way To Prevent War: Chapter 2 Not every man is thoroughly informed with regard to currency and banking, but every man knows whether he wants to be shot.
A Way To Prevent War: Chapter 1 To the working class of the world. The knife is at your throat, and the pistol is at your heart.
"No war shall curse this land... the socialist demand." By: Upton Sinclair, Originally published Aug 15, 1914
The Jungle | #20 She did this because it was her nature—she asked no questions about the justice of it, nor the worthwhileness of life in which destruction and death ran riot.
The Jungle | #19 Jurgis went straight to the bar. "I've been in jail." he said, "and I've just got out. I walked home all the way, and I've not a cent, and had nothing to eat since this morning. And I've lot my home, and my wife's ill, and I'm done up."